Black Edition
Hi, I'm

Muhd Afiq


"I am Afiq, a technology lover since I was little. I like to experiment with the software on my phone, and try to make it better and more interesting. I started learning coding using my iPhone 5 smartphone, because I didn’t have a desktop at that time. But that didn’t stop me from learning coding diligently and enthusiastically. I was willing to spend 10 to 15 hours a day to learn various programming languages, frameworks, and web technologies. Coding is not just a hobby for me, but a life goal and aspiration. I dream of becoming a web developer who can create new technology products that can have a big impact on society. I want to create websites or applications that can solve real problems or provide benefits for many people."


HTML Advanced
1.5 Year Exp
CSS Advanced
1.5 Year Exp
Javascript Intermediate
1.5 Year Exp
Sass Advanced
1.5 Year Exp
Bootstrap Advanced
1.5 Year Exp
jQuery Advanced
1 Year Exp
PHP Intermediate
1 Year Exp
Laravel Advanced
1 Year Exp
MySQL Intermediate
1 Year Exp
Git Beginner
1 Year Exp
Github Beginner
1 Year Exp



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To Do App

"Introducing a Todo. Our app empowers you to stay focused, efficient, and in control of your commitments. Experience the ultimate tool for enhancing productivity and accomplishing your goals."

The Feature

"Introducing a Feature. Crafted with the prowess of JavaScript, this dynamic application showcases a spectrum of functionalities designed to elevate your digital journey."
